Covid Protocols
Dear Covenant family,
We continue to work through the adjustments of these Covid days together. We are grateful for each one of you and your efforts to care for yourselves and each other. We are a caring community and that aspect of our shared lives seems ever more important in these days.
Beginning Sunday, June 12, we will no longer be signing in for worship. When we learn of people in attendance who test positive for Covid we will send an email to our distribution list and include any visitors who fill out a visitor’s card. We will also expand the mask required seating in the front left of the sanctuary to include an additional row.
We continue to monitor the numbers of hospitalizations and the data provided by our county, the CDC, and the Texas Medical Center. These numbers remain in zones that suggest we can continue to be mask optional. We do want to acknowledge that with summer several of us will be traveling and/or attending events with large groups of people. If you have reason to believe you may have been exposed to Covid due to travel or any other reason, please use your discretion about attending in-person church activities or wear a mask until you are reasonably certain you have not contracted Covid.
We will also ask everyone attending in-person Adult Education, beginning Sunday, June 12, to please mask as Adult Education meets in a small space.
- The Church Council with support from the Covid Indoor Worship Subcommittee
We continue to work through the adjustments of these Covid days together. We are grateful for each one of you and your efforts to care for yourselves and each other. We are a caring community and that aspect of our shared lives seems ever more important in these days.
Beginning Sunday, June 12, we will no longer be signing in for worship. When we learn of people in attendance who test positive for Covid we will send an email to our distribution list and include any visitors who fill out a visitor’s card. We will also expand the mask required seating in the front left of the sanctuary to include an additional row.
We continue to monitor the numbers of hospitalizations and the data provided by our county, the CDC, and the Texas Medical Center. These numbers remain in zones that suggest we can continue to be mask optional. We do want to acknowledge that with summer several of us will be traveling and/or attending events with large groups of people. If you have reason to believe you may have been exposed to Covid due to travel or any other reason, please use your discretion about attending in-person church activities or wear a mask until you are reasonably certain you have not contracted Covid.
We will also ask everyone attending in-person Adult Education, beginning Sunday, June 12, to please mask as Adult Education meets in a small space.
- If you are experiencing any symptoms, please do not attend in-person worship.
- If you have been in close contact with someone known to have Covid, please do not attend in-person worship until you are reasonably certain you have not contracted Covid.
- If you have reason to believe you may have been exposed to Covid due to travel or any other reason, please use your discretion about attending in-person church activities or wear a mask until you are reasonably certain you have not contracted Covid.
- We strongly encourage you to get vaccinated and to get your booster if you have already been vaccinated.
- Masks are optional except for those attending Adult Education. We will continue to use the Narthex to provide mask required and distanced seating for those who would prefer this option. We will also continue to reserve the first two rows of the left side of the sanctuary for those who want to continue to wear a mask. Of course, you may wear a mask anywhere in the Sanctuary, but if you are mask free, please do not sit in the Narthex or in the reserved rows.
- If you test positive for Covid after attending in-person worship, please notify anyone with whom you were in close contact and Laura Mayo at [email protected].
- The Church Council with support from the Covid Indoor Worship Subcommittee