Our Sunday morning proclamations can be found in several places online.
Beginning June 27, 2021 we will have live-streaming of our Sunday morning proclamations. Each week the link will be on the front page of our website. This page (Live-Stream Worship Services) has instructions for joining our YouTube channel for subscriptions and reminders. AUDIO PODCAST
ALL Sunday morning proclamations from 2017-present can be found on our podcast through PodBean. These typically include the scripture reading and the sermon. These are also available for subscription through iTunes. Follow this link. ( PRE-RECORDED WORSHIP
2020-June, 2021 (COVID) online worship services can be seen in their entirety in video format on the Online Worship Service Page. These begin in March, 2020 to June, 2021. They are also on Podbean and our blog. OLDER (or Pre-podcast) proclamations, as well as more recent ones, can also be found on our Blog from the Home menu. These are listed chronologically and go back to 2013. Follow this link.