This Coming Sunday
We invite you to join our Sunday morning service in person or online.
You can watch Sunday's live-stream beginning at 11am.
You can also visit our YouTube channel directly for upcoming live-stream videos.
See the instructions here.
Below is a preview of this coming Sunday!
(updated each Wednesday)
You can watch Sunday's live-stream beginning at 11am.
You can also visit our YouTube channel directly for upcoming live-stream videos.
See the instructions here.
Below is a preview of this coming Sunday!
(updated each Wednesday)
9:30 am
Adult Education
"Angels Among Us?" This presentation will be drawn from Tom Cole's spiritual memoir-in-progress. It will include a joint presentation, with Bill Howze, of art historical images of angels climbing up and down Jacob's Ladder (Genesis 28:10-17) and will conclude with the question: What Is Your Dream of Transcendence? -Raymond Stubblefield Join us via Zoom; the log in details are located on our Online Gatherings page. Previously recorded Adult Education sessions can be viewed on the public page: About our church/Adult Education/Adult Education Recordings. Member's spiritual journeys can be viewed on the password protected page: Member Area/Adult Education Recordings. |
11 am
This Sunday we turn our attention to the blessings and woes found in the Gospel of Luke. Looking at these lists it becomes clear that what we often prioritize and what Jesus encourages us to prioritize are in opposition to each other. How can we turn our minds, hearts, and lives toward Jesus’ teachings? Text: Luke 6:17-26 -Laura Mayo Music The Covenant Singers will sing "Blessed Are the Ones who Love God" from Felix Mendelssohn's oratorio, "Elijah." The text comes from Psalm 128:1 and Psalm 112:1,4. - David Lee [Last Sunday's proclamation can be heard on iTunes or the website.] |