The music ministry at Covenant is central to worship. The choir presents extended choral works at least twice a year in addition to weekly participation in services. Choir members exhibit a high degree of dedication and commitment. The size of the choir (24-28 members) does not permit singing throughout the summer months. Instrumentals, and vocal solos or small groups provide music in the absence of the choir.
Choral repertoire is selected from the rich heritage of earliest centuries through the 20th century. Among the major works performed at Covenant are the following:
• Festival Te Deum, Rejoice in the Lamb, and Ceremony of Carols, all by Benjamin Britten.
• By Bach, Christ lag in Todesbanden, Jesu, Meine Freude, and Komm, Jesu, Komm
• Requiems by the following: Cherubini, Duruflé, Fauré, and Rutter
• Heinrich Schütz' The Christmas Story
• Rob Landes' Jazz Gloria and Magnificat
• Arthur Honegger, King David
• Alice Parker, The Sermon from the Mountain (on words by Martin Luther King, Jr.
• Vivaldi's Gloria
• Works by Tom Avinger on texts by Vassar Millier, and by Christina Rosetti
Choral music is emphasized at two services, Ash Wednesday (traditionally held in Rothko Chapel), and Tenebrae, a Good Friday service. Covenant uses the 1990 Presbyterian Hymnal. Hymns play an important role in worship and are chosen to enhance the lesson of the day.
Instrumental music is considered to be an intrinsic part of the worship service. The Covenant Trio (Pam - flute, Susan Wegner - cello, and Carl McAliley - organ) as well as soloists add their talents to worship. The Prelude is treated as the beginning of worship. The congregation remains in silence through the Postlude.
Choral repertoire is selected from the rich heritage of earliest centuries through the 20th century. Among the major works performed at Covenant are the following:
• Festival Te Deum, Rejoice in the Lamb, and Ceremony of Carols, all by Benjamin Britten.
• By Bach, Christ lag in Todesbanden, Jesu, Meine Freude, and Komm, Jesu, Komm
• Requiems by the following: Cherubini, Duruflé, Fauré, and Rutter
• Heinrich Schütz' The Christmas Story
• Rob Landes' Jazz Gloria and Magnificat
• Arthur Honegger, King David
• Alice Parker, The Sermon from the Mountain (on words by Martin Luther King, Jr.
• Vivaldi's Gloria
• Works by Tom Avinger on texts by Vassar Millier, and by Christina Rosetti
Choral music is emphasized at two services, Ash Wednesday (traditionally held in Rothko Chapel), and Tenebrae, a Good Friday service. Covenant uses the 1990 Presbyterian Hymnal. Hymns play an important role in worship and are chosen to enhance the lesson of the day.
Instrumental music is considered to be an intrinsic part of the worship service. The Covenant Trio (Pam - flute, Susan Wegner - cello, and Carl McAliley - organ) as well as soloists add their talents to worship. The Prelude is treated as the beginning of worship. The congregation remains in silence through the Postlude.
Covenant Church Music Online:
Ryan McKinny and Carl McAliley perform and talk with St.John Flynn of Classical 91.7
The Organ in Action on YouTube
Ryan McKinny and Carl McAliley perform and talk with St.John Flynn of Classical 91.7
The Organ in Action on YouTube