A Service of Worship for
June 13, 2021
Worship notes are included at the bottom of this page and in the Worship Order located at the link below.
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Adult Education:
For Sunday’s Adult Education, Karen Kline will tell he story of her spiritual journey, providing an opportunity for us to get better acquainted with a fully engaged member who joined Covenant shortly before the pandemic canceled our in-person services, but who has graced our worship services with her piano talent and our Adult Education program with her excellent ideas. Zoom in to learn about the journey that eventually brought her to Covenant. Zoom link is available on the Online Gatherings page on our website: https://www.covenanthouston.org/covenant-gatherings.html Full worship service video:
COFFEE TIME Gathering on Zoom
Today, 11AM We will begin as a large group before we transition into “rooms" for coffee time. Log in details on the Online Gatherings page. |
"Londonderry Gardens" by Charles E. Peery. The Bayou City Bells. David Lee, Director. Call to Worship Opening Sentences In many ways, religion comes from the same place in us that art comes from. The language of human heart is poetry. Music is the language of the spirit. The metier of religious ideas is parable, verse, and story. All of our names for God are metaphor- necessary license, approximation, and analogy. Our sacred texts burn with the knowledge and dare us to use all of our faculties of intelligence and experience and creativity. But we forget this; our fact and argument obsessed culture is deaf to it, blind to it. Scripture Lesson: Psalm 20
Hymn "Too Often, God, Your Name is Used," Tune: Kingsfold Words: Thomas H. Troeger. The Covenant Singers. Karen Kline, piano. Time for Children Confession Unison Confession
Human existence cannot be silent, nor can it be nourished by false words, but only true words, with which men and women and people of all genders transform the world. To exist, humanly, is to name the world, to change it. Humans beings are not built in silence, but in word, in work, in action-reflection. Music
"Study No. 8," by Antoine-Barthelemy Bruni. Jacy Grannis, viola. |
God, You have many names. I Am, Mother, Father, Lover, Holy, Creator, Presence, Friend. And you are beyond any name we may affix upon your Spirit. To be approachable, yet mysterious. To be available, yet elusive. And for whatever name you choose to go by or we choose to call you We thank you and center our minds, hopes, thoughts, dreams, and concerns on you and the things that matter much in life. For our world as we work to make your name known through our actions, hold us in your powerful hands, make this Earth beautiful and clean, bring us together and remind us that all humans are members of your wonderful creation - without human-imposed conditions. For our church -- longing to be together while respecting science's wisdom, keep us focused on our work - to be examples of love, grace, openness and belonging, heal those among us who are sick, comfort those of us who grieve, empower us for gathering once more to agents of change. And for each of of us who hear and read this prayer, Surround us with peace. In your name, and whatever name we choose to call you, we pray - Amen Moses Mason
Invitation Prayer of Dedication
May one image of God never appease us. May on word of the holy never suffice. May uncountable names and limitless forms of the infinite God find and delight us. Doxology
Affirmation of Faith The community of believers is the place where we learn the language of faith, hope, and love. The speech and gestures of worship beckon us to dance between our woundings at the edge of adventure and experiences of bliss at the still center, a rhythm of journeying and homecoming. Benediction Postlude "Rhapsody," by Judy Phillips. Gina Dyches, violin. Marney Caldwell, percussion. David Lee, Director. |
Worship Notes
The worship leader is Moses Mason.
The prelude and postlude are played by The Bayou City Bells, David Lee, director.
The Call to Worship is from “Meditation after an Interview” by Vassar Miller.
The Opening Sentences are by Krista Tippett.
The Unison Confession is from “Pedagogy of the Oppressed” by Paolo Freire, as printed in Imaging the Word, Vol. 3.
“Study No. 8” played by Jacy Grannis, viola.
The Prayer of Dedication is adapted from In the Sanctuary of Women: A Companion for Reflection and Prayer by Jan Richardson.
The Affirmation of Faith is from Active Spirituality by Kent Ira Groff.
The worship leader is Moses Mason.
The prelude and postlude are played by The Bayou City Bells, David Lee, director.
The Call to Worship is from “Meditation after an Interview” by Vassar Miller.
The Opening Sentences are by Krista Tippett.
The Unison Confession is from “Pedagogy of the Oppressed” by Paolo Freire, as printed in Imaging the Word, Vol. 3.
“Study No. 8” played by Jacy Grannis, viola.
The Prayer of Dedication is adapted from In the Sanctuary of Women: A Companion for Reflection and Prayer by Jan Richardson.
The Affirmation of Faith is from Active Spirituality by Kent Ira Groff.
Sunday schedule for today:
9:00 - Adult Education with Zoom
10:00 - Worship via videos on the Worship Page
11:00 - Transition from worship to coffee time with Zoom
9:00 - Adult Education with Zoom
10:00 - Worship via videos on the Worship Page
11:00 - Transition from worship to coffee time with Zoom
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