A Service of Worship for
Celebration of Covenant's Founding
June 6, 2021
Worship notes are included at the bottom of this page and in the Worship Order located at the link below.
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Adult Education:
The Adult Education offering for Sunday, June 6, will be a presentation by Dr. Carolyn Roberts, a Yale University professor in the Department of History/History of Science and Medicine, the Department of African American Studies, and the Yale School of Medicine Section on the History of Medicine. The title of her talk is “Histories of Harm: Race, Medicine and COVID-19 in Historical Perspective.” She offers this description: "Black people in the United States have had a tumultuous relationship with American medicine for hundreds of years. The crisis caused by COVID-19 offers a critical opportunity to consider the historical legacies that have shaped health disparities. In this talk, we will discuss how the history of slavery, the slave trade and segregation caused medical harm and distrust. Yet, this is also a history of resilience and resistance. Black people then, and now, have utilized their knowledge, resources and ingenuity to endure.” We have Jim Avera to thank for making the committee aware of Dr. Roberts, a dear friend of his, and for making her aware of Covenant Church and pleased to visit with our class on Sunday morning. Zoom link is available on the Online Gatherings page on our website: https://www.covenanthouston.org/covenant-gatherings.html Full worship service video:
Today, 11AM We will begin as a large group before we transition into “rooms" for coffee time. Log in details on the Online Gatherings page. |
"God's Time is Best" by J.S. Bach. Andrew Bowen, organ. Call to Worship Opening Sentences This day we celebrate our founding in 1965. This day we celebrate our continuing efforts at community, love, fellowship, giving, peace, education, justice, and following in the way of Jesus. We celebrate: - a community and support that has surpassed all my expectations and been there for me when I needed it most. - the knowledge that I am not alone in my questions, the confidence to wonder and talk openly about beliefs. - astounding gifts of music - a chance to be a part of the Conversation At Covenant, I feel at home. Here I am loved and appreciated, just for being myself. Here I am free to learn and grow and give. The beauty and inspiration of this is the very real energy I feel as I walk alongside others who are learning and growing and giving of who they themselves are. We help and inspire one another! Scripture Lesson: 1 Samuel 3:1-20 and Mark 4:26-32
Hymn "Lord, Speak to Me, That I May Speak," Music: Robert Schumann Words: Frances R. Havergal. The Covenant Singers. Andrew Bowen, organ. Time for Children Confession Unison Confession
For the two thousand nine hundred and twelfth time we as a gathered congregation evoke the healing breath of God. May the wisdom of the past, the willingness of the present, and the wonder of the future fill our hearts as we seek to climb out of the commonplace. Let us rise to worship God so that next week we can do the common task of minding our little piece of God's unending creation. Music
"I Will Pour Out My Spirit," by Rob Landes. The Covenant Singers, directed by Fran Avera. Carl McAliley, organ. |
We pray that we will move into the future holding tight to our founding principles of love and inclusion, of justice and care, and expanding our theologies, our ideas, our work, our welcome. We pray that: - we will continue in living up to the wondrous statement which appears on each worship order - we will continue to be and even expand our robust voice in our community - we will continue to be a vibrant, loving, equipping community - we will continue the study and practice of antiracism - Covenant continues to be a place where LGBTQ+ folks are shown the brilliance of God's love for everyone - we continue to be a beacon of light and acceptance for everyone...no exceptions - we can grow into a church that is more representative of Houston's multi-racial/multi-cultural demographics - we will continue to develop our fertile children's program, rely on strong committees to both brainstorm and act, and to enhance each member's sense of being yet another active minister. We pray that Covenant is able to continue the meaningful and necessary work in the future for Houston, the surrounding area, and everywhere else it's caring touch reaches. We pray that Covenant will continue to be a home for all: a place of heart-felt caring and love and service. We pray that Covenant continues to be open to all seekers, a comfort to those who are in pain, a gathering place for friends new and old, and a relentless force for love and peace. Amen - This prayer was complied by Laura Mayo using the words of our congregation about our hopes and prayers for our future.
Invitation Prayer of Dedication
Today we remember a covenant with Noah and his family: "Though the mountains be departed and the hills be removed, my covenant of peace will not depart from you, says the Lord, who has mercy on you." We remember a covenant with Abraham and Sarah: "Go to the land that I will show you and I will bless you and you shall be a blessing." We remember a covenant with Moses, Miriam, Aaron and all of the Hebrew people: "You will be my people and I will your God." We remember a covenant with Jesus, "This is the cup of the new covenant. As often as you drink it remember me." God covenants with us for peace, blessing, belonging, and grace. We are part of these covenant, O God, and we create new promises with you and with each other. We gather this day as individuals and as one body - our church. We gather to celebrate the covenants that continue: promises of community and compassion. Continue to journey with us, creative God, help us to work with you to create peace, blessing, belonging, and grace. Amen Doxology
Affirmation of Faith Covenant Affirms: The loving presence of God, the life and teachings of Jesus, and the revealed Spirit throughout the ages. The sanctity, dignity, and equality of human beings and the value of all life in the universe. Truth as an ongoing process, and the necessity to be explorers in the continuing discovery of faith and understanding. The practice of inclusivity in worship and in all other aspects of our corporate life. The importance of passing on our knowledge and an understanding of traditions. Benediction Postlude "Deck Thyself, My Soul, with Gladness," by Johannes Brahms. Andrew Bowen, organ. |
Worship Notes
The worship leader is Jay Hooker.
The prelude and postlude are played by Andrew Bowen, organ.
The Call to Worship was created from responses sent in by members of the Covenant Community.
The Opening Sentences were created from responses sent in by members of the Covenant Community.
The Unison Confession is by John Pirtle and updated for our fifty-sixth birthday.
“I Will Pour Out My Spirit” sung by The Covenant Singers, June 7, 2015, Fran Avera, directing.
Proclamation participants are Sean Alexander, Sebastian Alexander, Eric Avera, Fran Avera, Jim Avera, Jodi Bash, Michelle Bennack, Melissa Bernardoni, Emma Bond, Hank Bond, Charlie Burgess, Russell Clark, Gene Cope, Ruddy Cravens, Sebastian Cuellar, Clinton Gambill, Lewis Garvin, Jay Hooker, Blakeley Kress, Byron Kress, Kristy Kyle, David Lee, Laura Mayo, Ruben Milano, Reagan Miller, Jeff Nobles, Casey Okabayashi, Linda Phenix, Ann Pirtle, John Pirtle, Nancy Preston, Nick Stepp, K.T. Tilford, Virginia Wells.
The Prayer of Dedication is by Laura Mayo, created for our 50th anniversary celebration and updated for this service.
The Affirmation of Faith is from the 1989 Covenant Mission Statement.
The worship leader is Jay Hooker.
The prelude and postlude are played by Andrew Bowen, organ.
The Call to Worship was created from responses sent in by members of the Covenant Community.
The Opening Sentences were created from responses sent in by members of the Covenant Community.
The Unison Confession is by John Pirtle and updated for our fifty-sixth birthday.
“I Will Pour Out My Spirit” sung by The Covenant Singers, June 7, 2015, Fran Avera, directing.
Proclamation participants are Sean Alexander, Sebastian Alexander, Eric Avera, Fran Avera, Jim Avera, Jodi Bash, Michelle Bennack, Melissa Bernardoni, Emma Bond, Hank Bond, Charlie Burgess, Russell Clark, Gene Cope, Ruddy Cravens, Sebastian Cuellar, Clinton Gambill, Lewis Garvin, Jay Hooker, Blakeley Kress, Byron Kress, Kristy Kyle, David Lee, Laura Mayo, Ruben Milano, Reagan Miller, Jeff Nobles, Casey Okabayashi, Linda Phenix, Ann Pirtle, John Pirtle, Nancy Preston, Nick Stepp, K.T. Tilford, Virginia Wells.
The Prayer of Dedication is by Laura Mayo, created for our 50th anniversary celebration and updated for this service.
The Affirmation of Faith is from the 1989 Covenant Mission Statement.
Sunday schedule for today:
9:00 - Adult Education with Zoom
10:00 - Worship via videos on the Worship Page
11:00 - Transition from worship to coffee time with communion with Zoom
9:00 - Adult Education with Zoom
10:00 - Worship via videos on the Worship Page
11:00 - Transition from worship to coffee time with communion with Zoom
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