A Service of Worship for
May 2, 2021
Adult Education:
This Sunday, Rose Lange will share her spiritual journey. Zoom link is available on the Online Gatherings page on our website: https://www.covenanthouston.org/covenant-gatherings.html Full worship service video:
Business Meeting Video:
COFFEE TIME Gathering on Zoom
Today, 11AM We will begin as a large group before we transition into “rooms" for coffee time. Log in details on the Online Gatherings page. Worship notes are included at the bottom of this page and in the Worship Order located at the link below.
With this link you can make a donation to Covenant through PayPal or a credit card.
"I Come with Joy," by Dale Wood. Andrew Bowen, organ. Call to Worship Opening Sentences There is a famous saying that from great suffering comes great compassion. Well, from great suffering can come great compassion, or from great suffering can come great hatred. From great suffering can come great openness of heart, a great sense of kinship with others, or from great suffering can come hatred, resentment and despair. People need a lot of support for suffering to turn into compassion. Scripture Lesson: John 10:11-18
Hymn "Good Shepherd, We Are Not Alone" Tune: Pure knobs Nascitur. Words: Carolyn Winfrey Gillette. The Covenant Singers. Andrew Bowen, organ. Time for Children Confession Unison Confession
O God who is love, when you seem so far away from us, remind us to reach within to the fountain of feelings at the core of ourselves and there, let us find you. When you seem so unconcerned, so massive, so impassive, so insulated by your power, so distant by your expansiveness, remind us to reach out to the hand of a child, to the face of a friend, and there let us find you. And in times when we have nothing to feel and there is no one to touch, let us never close our hearts or our hands, but always, let us be open to you, and let us be open today; here and now. Amen. Music
"My Shepherd Will Supply My Need," Casey Okabayashi, soprano. |
Prayer Our God Who is Love, When you tell us that “I know my sheep and they know me”, that is a lifeline. You know all about our perils and sorrows You know that sometimes children go off to school and don’t come home. You know what it’s like when the doctor herself calls about that routine biopsy and tells us we have been referred to MD Anderson. You know about friends who don’t survive what some call “just the flu”. You know about workforce reductions You know about traffic stops We know you because you are always showing up We know you through the sacrifices of essential workers We know you through witnesses with cell phone cameras We know you through truth tellers in journalism and literature and the arts and through the keepers of statistics that do not lie We know you through compost and prairie grass We know you when what is lost is found, and when what is found is shared Help us to be humble when in need and bold when we see need in others. Sheep and shepherds need each other. Amen - Bill Kline
Prayer of Dedication Trusting God is not assurance that whatever we do, all will work out well. It is instead confidence that God’s call is wise and good. It is sensitizing ourselves to this call so that we can be led and guided by it. It is the renewed willingness to give up the security we experience in ideas and customs and to enter into the adventure of the trusting life. Doxology
Affirmation of Faith Listen to what God is saying to us: You are my child. You are written on the palm of my hand. You are hidden in the shadow of my hand. I have molded you from the secret of the earth. I have knitted you together in your mother's womb. You belong to me. I am yours. You are mine. I have called you from eternity and you are the one who is held safe and embraced in love from eternity to eternity. You belong to me. I hold you safe and I want you to know that whatever happens to you, I am always there. I am always there. I am always there. I will always be there and hold you in my embrace. You are mine. You are my child. You belong to my home. You belong to my intimate life and I will never let you go. I will be faithful to you. Benediction Postlude "Today God's Son is Triumphant," by J. S. Bach. Andrew Bowen, organ. |
Worship Notes
The worship leader is Bill Kline.
The prelude and postlude are played by Andrew Bowen, organ.
The Call to Worship is by Albert Schweitzer.
The Opening Sentences are by Pema Chödrön from an interview by Bell Hooks.
“My Shepherd Will Supply My Need” is sung by Casey Okabayashi, soprano.
The Unison Confession is from Touch Holiness by Ruth C. Duck.
"Good Shepherd, We Are Not Alone" text by Carolyn Winfrey Gillette.
The Prayer of Dedication is from Process Theology: An Introductory Exposition by John Cobb and David Griffin.
The Affirmation of Faith is from Life of the Beloved: Spiritual Living in a Secular World, by Henri Nouwen.
The worship leader is Bill Kline.
The prelude and postlude are played by Andrew Bowen, organ.
The Call to Worship is by Albert Schweitzer.
The Opening Sentences are by Pema Chödrön from an interview by Bell Hooks.
“My Shepherd Will Supply My Need” is sung by Casey Okabayashi, soprano.
The Unison Confession is from Touch Holiness by Ruth C. Duck.
"Good Shepherd, We Are Not Alone" text by Carolyn Winfrey Gillette.
The Prayer of Dedication is from Process Theology: An Introductory Exposition by John Cobb and David Griffin.
The Affirmation of Faith is from Life of the Beloved: Spiritual Living in a Secular World, by Henri Nouwen.
Sunday schedule for today:
9:00 - Adult Education with Zoom
10:00 - Worship via videos on the Worship Page
11:00 - Transition from worship to coffee time with Zoom
9:00 - Adult Education with Zoom
10:00 - Worship via videos on the Worship Page
11:00 - Transition from worship to coffee time with Zoom
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