A Service of Worship for
November 15, 2020
Never doubt that a small group
of thoughtful committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has. Margaret Mead It is never too late to give up our prejudices. Henry David Thoreau Worship notes are included at the bottom of this page and in the Worship Order located at the link below.
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Adult Education - TODAY, 9AM
The adult education will be a portion of a Baker Institute Religion and Public Policy Program webinar, "The Fight to Make American Christian Again: Christian Nationalism in National and Texas Politics." Christian nationalism — the belief that the U.S. should be an expressly Christian nation governed by biblically-based laws — has become a significant overt force in U.S. politics and religious life. In this webinar, four leading scholars and researchers discussed their recent research on Christian nationalism. Bill Martin, director of the Baker Institute program, moderated the discussion. This portion, best seen after the previous segments, can be accessed on the Baker Institute website. Zoom link is available on the Online Gatherings page on our website: https://www.covenanthouston.org/covenant-gatherings.html Full worship service video:
COFFEE TIME Gathering on Zoom
Today, 11AM We will begin as a large group and discuss the elements of worship we find particularly meaningful and then transition into “rooms" for coffee time. Log in details on the Online Gatherings page. |
"Plein Jeu," (Suite du Premier Ton), by Denis Bedard; Carl McAliley, organ. Call to Worship Opening Sentences This day we pray-- To see the face of all who suffer To do what we can to take the suffering away To help convince the world that reconciliation is doing God’s work with our own hands. This day we pray-- That we may let God’s love lead us from intention to action From possibility to reality From scarcity to true abundance. Scripture Lesson: Micah 3:5-12 Time for Children Confession Unison Confession
For the labor that is never over, give us strength. For the healing that is ever before us, give us courage. Music
"The Covenant Hymn," words by Vassar Miller, music by Thomas Avinger. Eric Avera, tenor; Patrick Parker, piano. |
Hymn "I'm Gonna Live So God Can Use Me," African-American Spiritual, Arr. Wendell Whalum; led by Carl McAliley, piano and the Covenant Singers.
Prayer Gracious God, We are thankful today for both Parker Ward and Grayson Stepp returning home from the hospital. Parker will continue his outpatient therapy for 6 more weeks and we are so grateful for those caring for him and assisting with his recovery. Grayson's surgery was a success and he can now recover in the comfort of his home and his family. Our hearts are hurting for those in our state and around the country and the world who continue to be impacted by this pandemic. We pray that education and science be embraced as the path to lead us out of this horrific situation. Be at the side of our elected officials, health care workers, and experts working hard to bring an end to this virus. Remind us daily to pause and plan with introspection and intention how we might use our gifts to wage peace and justice, no matter how small those steps may be. Amen. Invitation
Prayer of Dedication What actions are most excellent? To gladden the heart of a human being To feed the hungry To help the afflicted To lighten the sorrow of the sorrowful To remove the wrongs of the injured. That person is most beloved of God Who does the most good to God’s creatures. Doxology
Affirmation of Faith Oh sun, moon, stars, our other relatives peering at us from the inside of god’s house walk with us as we climb into the next century naked but for the stories we have of each other. Keep us from giving up in this land of nightmares which is also the land of miracles. Benediction Postlude "Sortie," (Suite Liturgique) by Denis Bedard, Carl McAliley, organ. |
Worship Notes
The worship leader is Joshua Apple.
The prelude is played by Carl McAliley, organ.
The Call to Worship is by Kathy Huff.
The guest proclaimer is Jodi Bash.
The Opening Sentences are adapted from Mary Janet Murray in Lifting Women’s Voices: Prayers to Change the World, edited by Margaret Rose, Jenny Te Paa, Jeanne Person, and Abigail Nelson.
The Unison Confession is from Night Visions by Jan L. Richardson.
“The Covenant Hymn” Words by Vassar Miller, music by Thomas Avinger, Eric Avera, tenor, Patrick Parker, piano.
The Prayer of Dedication is from the prophet Muhammad.
The Affirmation of Faith is from Joy Harjo’s poem, “Reconciliation, A Prayer,” in How We Became Human: New and Selected Poems 1975 – 2001.
The postlude is played by Carl McAliley, organ.
The worship leader is Joshua Apple.
The prelude is played by Carl McAliley, organ.
The Call to Worship is by Kathy Huff.
The guest proclaimer is Jodi Bash.
The Opening Sentences are adapted from Mary Janet Murray in Lifting Women’s Voices: Prayers to Change the World, edited by Margaret Rose, Jenny Te Paa, Jeanne Person, and Abigail Nelson.
The Unison Confession is from Night Visions by Jan L. Richardson.
“The Covenant Hymn” Words by Vassar Miller, music by Thomas Avinger, Eric Avera, tenor, Patrick Parker, piano.
The Prayer of Dedication is from the prophet Muhammad.
The Affirmation of Faith is from Joy Harjo’s poem, “Reconciliation, A Prayer,” in How We Became Human: New and Selected Poems 1975 – 2001.
The postlude is played by Carl McAliley, organ.
Sunday schedule for today:
9:00 - Adult Education with Zoom
10:00 - Worship via videos on the Worship Page
11:00 - Transition from worship to coffee time with Zoom
9:00 - Adult Education with Zoom
10:00 - Worship via videos on the Worship Page
11:00 - Transition from worship to coffee time with Zoom
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