It's harder to volunteer when you are trying to do it by yourself, when you are trying to navigate the throngs of opportunities to help the needy, when you just don't know where to start. If I had had experiences as a youth in a church giving my time to others I probably would not have felt so challenged as an adult. Yes, I would have still been pressed for time, who isn't, but I would have had more confidence in "jumping in."
One huge gift we can give our kids is showing them how to they can help. The more hands-on they can be in another person's life now, the more likely they will continue to do it as adults.
Several weeks ago about 17 Covenant folk volunteered in a local neighborhood to participate in a home repair blitz through Rebuilding Together. Four of those volunteers were in our youth group. And they were awesome! They worked just as hard as the adults and provided real value to our team.
Before that day I couldn't say that I had ever painted the entire exterior of a house. I couldn't say that I had worked 8 hours repairing a stranger's home. But those four kids can. And hopefully, they will remember how easy and rewarding it was...because we have big plans for them! ;)
Photos here!
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