I believe Easter is about change, transformation, and growth. There aren't many universal truths that most people can agree on, but one seems to be that change in our world is constant. So as humans we are constantly changing, and as a part of the change process, we are called to let go of what we no longer need or that which we have outgrown. Too often we have a hard time letting go of the familiar, and so we hold on tightly to that which doesn't serve us anymore. The result of not letting go is that we may find ourselves struggling or stuck.
In the Easter story, Jesus gives us the perfect model for transformation. He asked God to take from him the task of dying. Once Jesus submitted to God's will and let go of his own will, it was in this process that he was transformed. Each time we relinquish and let go of our will and become willing to trust God, we are changed. As a result, we grow in our faith journey. This a reminder that we can experience change without growth but we cannot experience growth without change, In this Easter season, may we embrace change and let go so we may be transformed and come closer to being the person that God created us to be.
Suzanne Counts