Psalms 8
"O Lord, our Sovereign, how majestic is your name in all the earth!"
Psalms 8 is believed to have been written as a hymn to celebrate God's creation of the universe, which not only includes the handiwork we see in nature, but also the beauty in humankind.
"When I look at your heavens..."
When I read the Psalm, I think of the times I have marveled at the night sky, the stars, the moon, or the sun rising and setting. Or the vastness of an ocean, the majesty of a mountain. Or, the beauty and intricacy of a flower, evolving from a small seed. And, the short, but beautiful, life cycle of the butterfly. Or, the grace of a bird flying overhead. Nature constantly amazes me and erases any doubts I may have of the existence of a Greater Being.
" have made them a little lower than God and crowned them with glory and honor."
The Psalm is not just about the glory of nature, but the beauty of humankind. The complexities of our bodies from birth and throughout the lifespan to grow, love, learn and care for each other is truly a miracle. The joy we gain from relationships and our interdependence with others is so incredibly complex and wonderful...greatly exceeding anything humans could create.
"You have given them dominion over the works of your hands..."
We, as human beings, share in the "dignity of God" by our role over the rest of God's creation. "Having dominion over the works of God's hands" reminds us of the great honor and profound responsibility to care for our planet and for each other. For me, taking time to be mindful to notice and enjoy God's creation and remembering I have a part in taking care of this earth and those on it makes my heart sing with joy again and again....
"O Lord, our Sovereign, how majestic is your name in all the earth!"
Source: The New Oxford Annotated Bible, Psalms 8
-Angie Nobles