Admittedly, this was my first response when reading the passage for today out of Luke. Did Jesus really heal a woman who had been bleeding for 12 years simply by her touching him? Was she really bleeding for 12 years? Did Jesus really heal the presumably dead daughter of Jairus?
Reading this passage ironically took me to "Orange is the New Black". This is a Netflix original series focusing on women in a federal prison and is one of my new guilty pleasures. One of the characters is convinced that she has the healing powers of Jesus and eventually ends up in the psychiatry ward. In today’s world it does not seem logical that someone can actually heal someone though the “holy spirit of Jesus” and if they think they can society often labels them as mentally insane or possibly a TV Evangelist!
What I do believe is that there is healing power in whatever your God is. I find healing in our congregation and the love we have for each other. When I am among this community it feeds me and gives me what I need to learn from our sacred stories and “the healing powers of Jesus.” What is more healing than that?
-Jason Stark